Programm ARTES IAP
Aktivität Demonstrationsprojekte
Art Direkte Verhandlung mit ESA
EMITS Referenzneu AO9305 (für Neuanträge)
bisher AO6124 (für Anträge in Bearbeitung,
Einreichungsfrist 31. Oktober 2018, (13:00)
Einreichungsfrist unbefristet
Förderrate 50% durch ESA, 50% durch Antragsteller oder Dritte
Dauermax. 12-24 Monate
Das Ziel eines Demo-Projekts ist die Implementierung eines prä-operationellen Demo-Dienstes innerhalb des Business Applications Programms. Das Projekt muss dabei folgende Bedingungen erfüllen:
es ist nutzerorientiert (inkl. Einbeziehung und Beitrag der Nutzer)
es profitiert von der Integration mindestens einer Raumfahrttechnologie
es besitzt das Potential, sich nach Abschluss des Projekts als nachhaltigen Dienst zu etablieren
Für ein Demo-Projekt muss ein sogenanntes Outline Proposal bei der ESA eingereicht werden. Bei der Erstellung dieses Proposals unterstützt ein interaktiver Online Guide, das Outline Proposal Development Tool. In insgesamt 11 Modulen werden alle Abschnitte eines Outline Proposals behandelt.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf den Seiten der Europäischen Raumfahrtagentur ESA.
Programm ARTES IAP
Aktivität Demonstrationsprojekte
Art Direkte Verhandlung mit ESA
EMITS Referenzneu AO9305 (für Neuanträge)
bisher AO6124 (für Anträge in Bearbeitung,
Einreichungsfrist 31. Oktober 2018, (13:00)
Einreichungsfrist unbefristet
Förderrate 50% durch ESA, 50% durch Antragsteller oder Dritte
Dauermax. 12-24 Monate
Das Ziel eines Demo-Projekts ist die Implementierung eines prä-operationellen Demo-Dienstes innerhalb des Business Applications Programms. Das Projekt muss dabei folgende Bedingungen erfüllen:
es ist nutzerorientiert (inkl. Einbeziehung und Beitrag der Nutzer)
es profitiert von der Integration mindestens einer Raumfahrttechnologie
es besitzt das Potential, sich nach Abschluss des Projekts als nachhaltigen Dienst zu etablieren
Für ein Demo-Projekt muss ein sogenanntes Outline Proposal bei der ESA eingereicht werden. Bei der Erstellung dieses Proposals unterstützt ein interaktiver Online Guide, das Outline Proposal Development Tool. In insgesamt 11 Modulen werden alle Abschnitte eines Outline Proposals behandelt.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf den Seiten der Europäischen Raumfahrtagentur ESA.
managed by bavAIRia e.V.
bavAIRia and ESPI hosted a workshop on
“Innovative space-based solutions for Future Cities”
9 July 2014. bavAIRia, in its capacity as IAP Ambassador Platform for Germany, and ESPI, in its capacity as IAP Ambassador Platform for the Central and Eastern European region, jointly organised a workshop entitled “Innovative space-based solutions for Future Cities”, at the European Space Policy Institute in Vienna.
Today’s society has to face a lot of challenges. Amongst these is the need for sustainable urban development, which is driving the evolution of “Smart Cities”. A “Smart City” is a city of the future using intelligent and innovative solutions and managing resources responsibly and sustainably. To face the challenges of the 21st century intelligent technologies are needed. Requests for more effective and innovative solutions, products and services are increasing. Not all of them can be met with the methods and tools currently in place.
It is to be expected that the large increase in the world’s population during the next 35 years will create a resultant increase of population in major cities. More and more megacities will evolve. In the course of this development, challenges and requirements for a life within these megacities will be in a state of flux. Inhabitants will seek social progress and will need to be transported and supplied with food, water, energy and electricity. There will be a growing demand for security, communications, health care as well as waste management. At the same time topics like climate change, CO2 emissions, renewable energies, sustainability and air monitoring will become ever more important. Moreover, these issues are directly connected with each other, making the overall city system more complex.
The workshop entitled “Innovative space-based solutions for Future Cities” was organized in the framework of ESA’s Integrated Applications Promotion (IAP) programme, by the IAP Ambassador Platform for the Central and Eastern European region, hosted by ESPI, the German IAP Ambassador Platform, hosted by bavAIRia e.V., the IAP Ambassador Platform for Small and Medium Enterprises, hosted by Eurisy, and the IAP Ambassador Platform for UK.
The workshop aimed at presenting how the development of Future Cities can be supported by space technologies, in which ways the challenges of Future Cities are linked to space applications and how the IAP programme of ESA intends to support and contribute to the development of services to help meet these challenges. The event provided a platform for discussing new solutions that can be initiated, with participants from different sectors like city planners, public transport managers and energy providers. Furthermore, it provided a good possibility to identify partners for joint Projects.
On the first day, ESPI’s Resident Fellow Erich Klock together with Thomas Geist, from the Aeronautics and Space Agency of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), welcomed the participants to the workshop. Key note addresses were given by Volker Schaffler (TINA VIENNA Urban Technologies & Strategies), who gave an overview on trends and challenges of Smart Cities and provided an insight on the Smart City Vienna strategy, and Michael Schramm (IBM Austria), who talked about visions on Future Cities. Johannes Bockstefl (FFG) and Tanja Tötzer (Austrian Institute of Technology) provided an overview on national and European initiatives and activities in the area of Smart Cities. The following case study presentations aimed at demonstrating the use of space applications to develop innovative solutions for Future Cities.
In the afternoon session of the first workshop day, Rob Postema (ESA) gave an overview on the ESA IAP programme as well as an introduction to the upcoming ESA ITT on Future Cities (http://artes-apps.esa.int/opportunities/intended-tender/future-cities). Furthermore, Anke Freimuth (DLR) provided an insight on the role of national delegates to ESA, which was followed by a presentation from Erich Klock (ESPI) on the role of IAP Ambassadors. The subsequent interactive session, which was moderated by Birgit Baumann (BusinessMind), aimed at identifying needs and challenges of Future Cities as well as at discussing potential space-based solutions to satisfy the needs and overcome the challenges. This session provided also an excellent opportunity for networking and was highly appreciated by the participants.
The second workshop day started with a speed networking session, in which the participants had the opportunity to get to know each other and to identify potential synergies and cooperation. In the subsequent presentation on how to write a proposal, Rob Postema (ESA) summarised and explained in detail key points of a proposal for IAP Feasibility Studies. This was particularly interesting and helpful for non-space companies that participated in the Workshop.
Innovative space-based solutions for Future Cities
A Workshop in the framework of ESA‘s Integrated Applications Promotion (IAP) Programme
July 8-9, 2014, European Space Policy Institute - ESPI, Schwarzenbergplatz 6 (Entrance: Zaunergasse 1-3), 1030 Vienna
Today’s society has to face a lot of challenges. Amongst these is the need for sustainable urban development, which is driving the evolution of “Smart Cities”. A “Smart City” is a city of the future using intelligent and innovative solutions and managing resources responsibly and sustainably.
To face the challenges of the 21st century intelligent technologies are needed. Requests for more effective and innovative solutions, products and services are increasing. Not all of them can be met with the methods and tools currently in place. A glance at other industry and technology sectors, including even space technologies, can help to meet these challenges - lateral thinking is the name of the game!
It is to be expected that the large increase in the world’s population during the next 35 years will create a resultant increase of population in major cities. More and more megacities will evolve. In the course of this development, challenges and requirements for a life within these megacities will be in a state of flux. Inhabitants will seek social progress and will need to be transported and supplied with food, water, energy and electricity. There will be a growing demand for security, communications, health care as well as waste management. At the same time topics like climate change, CO2 emissions, renewable energies, sustainability and air monitoring will become ever more important. Moreover, these issues are directly connected with each other, making the overall city system more complex.
Have you ever taken into account that space technologies are key to develop “smart” solutions? Satellite navigation devices are commonly used nowadays in cars, by bike or on foot. The added value of integrated services and applications based on other space technologies like satellite communication, earth observation or manned space flight technologies may not be obvious at first glance and hence possibly not considered.
The workshop will present how the development of Future Cities can be supported by space technologies, in which ways the challenges of Future Cities are linked to space applications and how the Integrated Applications Promotion (IAP) programme of the European Space Agency (ESA) intends to support and contribute to the development of services to help meet these challenges.
The purpose of the event is to raise awareness of the intended tender in the framework of ESA’s IAP programme, envisaged for 2014 and therefore to support a teaming of potential users and ideas. In discussion with participants from different sectors like city planners, public transport managers and energy providers, new solutions can be initiated and possible partners for joint projects can be identified. Discover and imagine smarter cities thanks to space technologies!
The language of the workshop is English and the workshop is targeting participants from all over Europe.
08 July 2014
Erich Klock, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)
Thomas Geist, Aeronautics and Space Agency of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Keynote Addresses
Smart City Vienna - Trends & Challenges,
Volker Schaffler, TINA VIENNA Urban Technologies & Strategies GmbH
Visions on Future Cities
Michael Schramm, IBM Austria
Smart Cities – national and European approach
Johannes Bockstefl, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Integrated Concepts for Smart Cities
Tanja Tötzer, Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)
Case Studies
Daniel Kofler, BikeCityGuide Apps GmbH
Moritz Fontaine, bavAIRia e.V.
GNSS based research instruments for understanding future cities mobility needs
Stephan Leppler, Innovationszentrum für Mobilität und gesellschaftlichen Wandel (InnoZ) GmbH
The ESA Integrated Applications Promotion (IAP) Programme
Rob Postema, European Space Agency (ESA)
The role of national delegates
Anke Freimuth, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
The role of IAP Ambassadors
Erich Klock, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)
Introduction to the upcoming ESA ITT on Future Cities
Rob Postema, European Space Agency (ESA)
Interactive Session
Moderated by Birgit Baumann, BusinessMind
Get Together
09 July 2014
Day I: Summary and Conclusions
Business Speed Dating
Coffee Break
How to write a proposal
Rob Postema, European Space Agency (ESA)
Wrap up and conclusions